FA Respect Campaign
Safeguarding and Welfare 2 of 3

2. FA Respect Campaign

The FA: "We only do Positive"

Swifts are fully committed to following the FA's respect campaign, and their 2018 initiative "We Only do Positive", which aims to educate parents and coaches on their roles in creating a fun, safe and inclusive environment for players to ensure the campaign is embraced throughout the age groups and result in sustained participation from players and volunteers alike.

Further details on this initiative by the FA, and their campaign's video advertisement, can be seen by clicking here.

Oxfordshire FA Respect

Swifts are also in full agreement with the Oxfordshire FA's stance, that football is a game for ALL, and should be enjoyed in a safe, fun and inclusive environment, where you and I can play our part.

Full details of Oxfordshire FA's respect campaign, and FAQ's regarding the campaign, can be found by clicking here